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Catalogue of the Select and Valuable Collection of Early British, Anglo-Saxon, and English C... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396773365 List Price: $24.43
Catalogue of the Remaining Portion of the Collection of Greek and Roman Coins, Formed in Ita... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396773358 List Price: $24.33
Catalogue of the Very Choice, Extensive and Valuable Cabinet of Coins and Medals, Formed wit... by Company, S. Leigh Sotheby and ISBN: 9781396769047 List Price: $26.62
Catalogue of a Miscellaneous Collection of Greek, Roman, and English Coins and Medals, the P... by Company, S. Leigh Sotheby and ISBN: 9781396768156 List Price: $24.68
Catalogue of the Duplicate Coins and Medals of the British Museum (Classic Reprint) by Sotheby, Leigh And ISBN: 9781396767340 List Price: $24.56
Catalogue of the Cabinet of Coins of the Late Mr. E. Litchfield, of Cambridge : Comprising F... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396782084 List Price: $24.47
Catalogue of a Small Collection of Coins and Medals, in Gold, Silver and Copper, the Propert... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396780363 List Price: $24.39
Catalogue of the Extensive and Highly Important Collection of Coins and Medals, Selected fro... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396780066 List Price: $26.21
Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Coins and Medals, the Property of a Collector Relinqui... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396780370 List Price: $24.37
Catalogue of the Collection of Greek and Roman Coins, Medals, &C. , of Augustus Langdon, LL.... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396779930 List Price: $25.07
Catalogue of the Valuable Cabinet of Coins and Medals, Formed by the Late Robert Reeve, Esq.... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396781414 List Price: $24.78
Catalogue of the Miscellaneous Collection of Coins and Medals, of the Late Ralph Willett, Es... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396781407 List Price: $24.47
Catalogue of the Fourth Portion of a Collection of Greek Coins, in Copper, Silver and Gold, ... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396781520 List Price: $24.37
Catalogue of the Numismatic, Arch�ological, and Miscellaneous Library of the Late Thomas Bur... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396781926 List Price: $24.41
Catalogue of the Cabinet of Coins and Medals of the Late John Campbell, Esq. , of Cheltenham... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396781865 List Price: $24.54
Catalogue of a Choice Collection of Greek Coins, in All Metals, Comprising Many of the Great... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396781896 List Price: $25.73
Catalogue of a Cabinet of Coins and Medals, the Property of a Gentleman : Comprising Roman F... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396781711 List Price: $24.33
Catalogue of the Cabinet of Greek and Roman Coins, in All Metals, Collected by the Late Rev.... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396781735 List Price: $24.31
Catalogue of a Choice and Valuable Cabinet of Roman Brass Coins, the Property of a Nobleman ... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396781810 List Price: $24.31
Catalogue of the Cabinet of Coins, Medals, and Cameos, Collected by the Late Lieut. -General... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396781803 List Price: $24.33
Catalogue of the Valuable Cabinet of Greek Coins, Formed by the Late Capt. Thomas Graves, R.... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396781285 List Price: $25.01
Catalogue of a Miscellaneous Collection of Coins and Medals, in Gold, Silver, and Copper, th... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396781063 List Price: $24.47
Catalogue of a Small but Very Choice Collection of Greek Coins, in Gold, Silver, and Copper,... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396781209 List Price: $24.68
Catalogue of a Small but Valuable Collection of English Coins, in Gold and Silver, the Prope... by Wilkinson, S. Leigh Sotheby... ISBN: 9781396777813 List Price: $24.31
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